MBA in Finance

MBA in Finance is the Best Program for a Financial Leader of Tomorrow

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MBA program or Master of Business Administration Program in Finance is the best way to equip oneself with the latest knowledge and skills required to become a successful financial leader of tomorrow. The rigorous curriculum focuses on developing an individual’s portfolio management, equity research, strategic decision making and risk analysis capabilities.

MBA in Finance opens up the field for all those students who are looking forward to excelling in a career related to insurance, banking, funding, etc. Earlier, we used to offer a postgraduate diploma program in finance as an autonomous B-school or management college. But now, we offer an MBA degree affiliated with Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (APJAKTU), Lucknow. Since then, we have updated our program several times to keep it relevant to the industry and multiply its professional worth.

What is the scope of Finance in the employment market?

Finance is a field which carries huge importance in not just the business sector but in every sector. Financing or Financial Management is a huge concept that takes over a chair of a board of a director.

As we all are aware that from a restaurant’s bill to an invoice of a business, finance plays a major role in getting things done, hopefully in the appropriate ways.

Many students from a commerce background who are looking forward to excelling in their skills and gaining more knowledge regarding financial management often choose to pursue MBA in Finance.

This program provides a great platform for students to learn the concepts of accounting, economics and finance. It also gives them an opportunity to explore different aspects of the financial sector such as investments, taxation, banking, insurance, etc.

Subjects Covered in MBA Finance

MBA student studying Finance

Master of Business Administration Program in Management with specialization in Finance covers the following subjects:

Security Analysis and Investment Management

We all are aware of the term ‘securities’ in reference to the financial world. It refers to stocks and bonds, which are issued by companies or government entities. This subject focuses on understanding the principles of equity research, portfolio management and risk analysis.

Security analysis plays a major role in every sector as it helps to analyse the accurate value or we can say the true value of the following security. And on the other hand, if we talk about investment management, then I guess we all are aware of how important investments are for an organisation to remain steady in the competitive world.

Even in our day-to-day lives, we think so deeply even though we have to invest in something small like soap. Should we prefer Dove or Fiama etc?

When it comes to investing in an organisation, there has to be a proper mechanism. Everything can only go smoothly if the plan is smooth. Investment management is a very crucial subject to talk about – as investments are the financial assets of an organisation to sustain it in the Business World.

International Financial Management

We all know the huge gap between the dollar and INR. How devastating it is to international finance? That’s the reason why PM Modi is trying to establish Indian Rupee as an accepted currency for foreign trade.

International Financial Management helps us understand the financial situation of a particular country and how to manage it. Different countries have different currencies, and the market exchange rate varies accordingly. There are also other factors such as income levels, inflation rates, and political stability that affect currency values.

This MBA in Finance subject teaches us the various variations that are existing in comparison to the domestic area and the outskirts. It mainly talks about the variations in currency and the rules and regulations that are to be followed while dealing with different countries.

Management Control System

As the name says, Management Control System (MCS) is all about analysing the performance of an organisation. It helps in assessing the progress and development of a company, understanding its financial position, and taking decisions regarding its future plans

It is a subject that revolves around the control of human, physical, and financial aspects – and overall organisation. It tells us how to check whether the organisation is running smoothly or not – and is working as per the organisational goals or objectives or not.

MCS is a very important subject that needs to be covered in Finance. Though the subject is management-based and not finance-based, it plays a huge role as the students who are pursuing MBA in Finance should be aware that finance does not mean just ‘finance’. Only if the whole organisation is working as per the decided strategy, only then the finance sector can move smoothly and swiftly.

Financial Derivations

Just like the subject ‘Business Law’ in BBA, Financial Derivations play a crucial and legal role in the world of Finance. Meaning that it is about a contract between two or more parties that agree upon some conditions under legal formalities and consider financial assets to enforce the contract.

This subject basically teaches us about all those rules and regulations. Organisations need to be aware of these sections which can play a critical roles in its existence in the business world one day.

Risk Management

Risk Management is like the step game. I mean there are a bunch of steps that one needs to follow. If each step is taken care of, then it leads you to the safe zone.

Calculating Financial Risks

Risk Management is a subject that most people try to implement in their day-to-day lives. It is a situation like – when somebody knows what kind of consequence he or she might have to face if he or she does this particular thing – and if they take some precautions, then chances are, a remedial measure can be discovered.

Risk Management in the Finance sector is about identifying the risks that can show up in between the achievement of the organisation’s objectives or goals and then analysing them. Risk Managers try to figure out a remedy and implement the same.

In the end, checking whether the risk has gone down or not, and monitoring and controlling the present situation is also a part of it.

This subject is a must for students pursuing MBA in Finance, as all the decisions by them will have a risk involved in it, and if they learn to mitigate those risks at an initial stage then they can become great leaders of tomorrow’s finance world.

Corporate Governance

When we hear the two words together – “Corporate Governance” – it does not mean some kind of a government job. No, not at all!

Corporate Governance here can be defined as, ‘Corporate’ as in “organisation” and ‘Governance’ as in “controlling and monitoring”. The following subject is taught to students to bring awareness regarding all those tactics that a manager or an employee has to take care of while working for an organisation.

Working in an organisation does not mean that all you have to do is work the things that are assigned to you. While you have to do the tasks, you also have to see whether the work you are doing is being approved or not. You might also have to see whether your colleagues or your subordinates are working to the mark or not.

For a manager, controlling is a very important duty and monitoring the employees is one of his or her key roles. Management students specializing in Finance have to study this subject to gain a better understanding of the work structure and the responsibilities.


So overall, the subjects that I mentioned above will be taught in MBA in Finance.  They may have slightly different names but they particularly define the most important topics you need to master to work in different sectors as Finance specialists.

Finance is not a baby’s talk. If one is thinking about entering the field of financial sector, then make sure, you have certain motives, and desired goals to achieve and objectives in life to work upon.

MBA Finance is the best program for a Financial Leader of Tomorrow. At SMS Varanasi, you will get the best of the faculties who will help you to lay a strong foundation with in-depth knowledge and understanding. You also get a free international study tour to gain exposure and learn from the best of the business minds in the world.

So if you are looking forward to a successful career then MBA Finance at SMS Varanasi is the right place for you!

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