Be adventurous in your life’s journey

Breaking Boundaries: College Students Embrace the Adventure of Trying Something New

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In the vibrant journey of college life at SMS Varanasi, college students have the perfect opportunity to embark on thrilling adventures and try something new. Adventure is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences that push your limits. It’s about breaking free from the shackles of fear and unlocking the boundless possibilities that await. This article dives into the spirit of adventure, encouraging college students to dare greatly and explore uncharted territories.

Try New Things!

Adventure is an exhilarating experience that calls you to take direct action towards exciting new goals. It challenges you to overcome your fears, explore uncharted territories, and discover the untapped potential within yourself. As Dany Cox, the renowned pilot, motivational speaker, and author, aptly said, “Ultimate adventure lies just across the threshold that marks the boundary between our developed and undeveloped potential.”

As college students at SMS Varanasi, it is essential to push yourself beyond your perceived limits and embark on thrilling adventures. Trying something new allows you to break free from the bounds of familiarity and soar high in the sky of personal growth. The adventure phase of boundless achievement is where you launch your plans and solve problems along the way.

Pearls of success are often hidden in the depths of the ocean of impossibility. Adventure requires diving deep into unexplored waters and bringing out the precious pearls that lie within. Look around, and you will find countless examples of successful adventurers who dared to embrace the unknown.

Real-Life Adventure Anecdote

Be courageous and stand up for yourself

One such adventure I experienced was during my high school days. Growing up, I faced many challenges being the only son and not physically strong. Despite these obstacles, I held on to my beliefs and values instilled by my parents. One particular incident stands out as a testament to the power of breaking free from fear.

During my high school examinations in the Sultanpur district, my examination centre was located in a remote village called Thauri. The approach to the village was through a one-horse-driven vehicle known as an ekka, as proper roads were scarce. I lived in the house of Dhandu Chaubey, a boy known for his physical strength and simplicity. He was the son of the village chief, and the village lacked basic amenities like electricity and transportation facilities.

Amidst the examinations, I encountered bullies who made attempts to intimidate me. However, during the English examination, they confronted me with a demand to help them cheat or face consequences. In that crucial moment, I made a firm decision not to give in to their demands and stood my ground.

Fear gripped me as I stepped out of the examination centre, knowing those boys were waiting for me. Yet, I chose not to falter, mustering the courage to walk past them without acknowledging their presence. As I moved forward, leaving the fear behind, I felt a surge of happiness, contentment, and newfound power within me. The fence of fear I had constructed was shattered, and I was free.

This empowering experience taught me that adventures begin when we confront our fears and take that courageous step forward. College students at SMS Varanasi have a world of possibilities ahead of them, waiting to be explored. Break free from self-imposed limitations, embrace the adventure of trying something new, and unleash your true potential.

Choose the Right Path (even if it seems dangerous!)

Choose the right path

For college students in India, it is crucial to choose the right path, even when it seems dangerous – especially right now when India is on its transformative journey. Here are five key points highlighting the significance of making ethical choices for themselves, society, and the country:

  • Personal Integrity and Growth: Opting for the right path, even in challenging circumstances, is essential for the personal integrity and growth of college students. Upholding ethical values and principles fosters character development, self-respect, and a strong moral compass, enabling students to navigate through life’s complexities with integrity.
  • Social Impact and Responsibility: Choosing the right path has a profound effect on society. College students play a vital role in shaping the future of India, and their ethical decisions have a ripple effect on the community. By making responsible choices, students contribute to a positive social impact, creating a harmonious and progressive society.
  • Nation Building: Ethical decision-making by college students contributes to the overall development and progress of the country. By choosing the right path, even in the face of danger or temptation, students uphold the values that strengthen the fabric of the nation. Their integrity and commitment to ethical conduct contribute to nation-building efforts and shape a brighter future for India.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Opting for the right path may involve short-term challenges or risks, but it leads to long-term benefits. College students who prioritize ethics and integrity build a foundation of trust and reliability, establishing a positive reputation. This reputation opens doors to opportunities, enhances career prospects, and paves the way for a successful future.
  • Role Models and Inspiration: College students who consistently choose the right path become role models and a source of inspiration for others. Their ethical conduct and courage inspire their peers, juniors, and future generations to make responsible choices and uphold moral values. By setting a positive example, they contribute to a cultural shift towards integrity and ethical behavior.

By embodying ethics, college students become catalysts for positive change, leaving a lasting impact on themselves, their communities, and the nation as a whole.


College life at SMS Varanasi presents a unique and exciting opportunity for students to embark on unforgettable adventures. By embracing the spirit of adventure, breaking free from fear, and trying new things, college students can unlock their full potential. Dare to push your boundaries, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace the thrill of the unknown. 

Adventure awaits, so seize the moment and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Let the adventures of SMS Varanasi shape you into a resilient, confident, and empowered individual ready to conquer the world.

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