Indian Philosophy and Management Education

20 Years in the Lead: SMS Varanasi’s Untold Advantage Over IIM Lucknow!

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Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are considered to be the top B-schools in India. However, when it comes to intertwining modern management teachings with ancient Indian wisdom, SMS Varanasi has been leading the way for two decades. IIM Lucknow has recently launched its new course on Indian philosophy; while SMS Varanasi has been blending spirituality with management for years.

IIM Lucknow’s Foray into Indian Philosophy

IIM Lucknow

The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow has recently launched a new elective course titled ‘The Wisdom of Indian Philosophy’ to integrate traditional Indian wisdom with contemporary management education. It signifies a holistic approach to nurturing future business leaders.

Let us see what this course is about:

1. Course Overview:

The elective course is focused on grooming future industry leaders to tackle real-world challenges using the ancient wisdom of India. The course syllabus is based on foundational Indian philosophical texts, such as Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Samkhya Karika, Upanishads, and notable references from the Bhagavad Gita.

While the teachings are derived from ancient scriptures primarily written in Sanskrit, the course itself is taught in English. The approach ensures that the core essence of the philosophy is preserved while making it accessible to a global audience.

2. The Brain Behind the Course:

Professor Anadi Pande, an academician from IIM Lucknow’s Strategic Management division, spearheads this initiative. Professor Pande was inspired to introduce this curriculum to aid students in better self-management, alleviate stress and anxiety, enhance concentration, and elevate the quality of their minds.

3. Course Relevance in Today’s World:

In our modern era characterized by rapid change, information overload, and fierce competition, this course aims to provide students with tools to connect with their inner selves, achieve inner peace, and maintain a sharp focus. As articulated by Professor Pande, a superior mind can find innovative solutions to today’s workplace challenges and enhance one’s psychosomatic condition.

4. Philosophical Foundations:

It has been an established fact that Indian philosophy predates Western philosophies, such as those introduced by Thales of Miletus, by at least a millennium. This course is not just a mere overview but employs a holistic and integrated approach, combining various domains like metaphysics, aesthetics, epistemology, sociology, psychology, ethics, and the intricacies of interpersonal relationships.

5. Real-Life Implications:

An essential aspect of the course is its application to real-world challenges. It bridges ancient wisdom with modern research and medical insights on consciousness. Furthermore, it sensitizes students to the idea of ethical action, crucial for their future roles in the corporate realm. The course notably incorporates the theory of Karma, a central tenet of Indian philosophy that teaches about the consequences of one’s actions.

6. Scope and Reach:

The course, spanning 15 hours, has garnered significant interest. Currently, it is in its fourth year and is being offered at both the Lucknow and Noida campuses of IIM.

7. Key Takeaways:

The course promises multiple benefits for students, from improving their emotional intelligence and resilience to enhancing their decision-making abilities. Students are introduced to the concept of “Samadhan,” which emphasizes harmonizing multiple perspectives to achieve a conflict-free resolution—an invaluable leadership trait.

To sum up, IIM Lucknow’s foray into Indian philosophy signifies an essential shift towards a holistic, ethically grounded, and globally relevant management education. Incorporating time-tested wisdom from India’s rich philosophical tradition can prove invaluable in grooming the next generation of empathetic and enlightened industry leaders.

SMS Varanasi’s Two-Decade Lead

SMS Varanasi

Twenty years ago, SMS Varanasi foresaw the importance of spirituality in management. In 2003, they established the Centre for Spiritualism and Human Enrichment (C-SHE), a beacon for those keen on marrying spirituality and modern management.

The Centre has been proactive, organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, and more – all centred around spiritualism, human values, and business ethics.

Here’s a glimpse into some of the intriguing programs offered by SMS Varanasi:

1. Organizational Karmic Status and Solutions: A program that assesses the collective karma of organizations, offering solutions based on numerology, astrology, and karmic theory. It aims to align organizational karma with business goals.

Based on the Theory of Karma, the program talks about organizations as groups of people who collectively influence the karmic trajectory of the institution. It uses numerology, astrology, and karmic theory to assess the Karmic Status of an organization (based on several factors, such as its date of inception and location).

When we see discrepancies in the performance of an organization despite significant efforts, the right skills, and good management styles, this may be the answer businesses need. Management students learn about ‘Organizational Karma Yog’ as a solution to align the ‘karma’ of the organization with intended objectives.

While business students learn about different departments and hierarchical levels, they are not taught how ‘Karma’ results from how ‘Intent’ (of the Management) converts into ‘Action’ (of the employees). This course makes them aware that the intent can get diluted as it trickles down the hierarchy and actions can have:

  • legal,
  • moral, and
  • karmic

implications that have a significant impact on the organizational objectives.

Students learn to prepare a basic and detailed Karmic report (and offer a solution to it) from a karmic viewpoint. They learn to identify gaps in Karmic Intent and Action and recommend solutions based on it.

Rooted in spiritual and metaphysical concepts, this program presents a unique blend of ancient karmic theories with modern organizational challenges.

2. Spirituality in Practice: This program is about practical applications of ancient and modern spiritual teachings in daily life. Students learn that spirituality is distinct from religious beliefs or systems. It is about the core of an individual’s beliefs, understanding, and perception.

The program aims to help students shift their focus from transient external objects to the constant internal subject – shaping our perspectives based on the timeless wisdom of ancient Indian philosophy.

As students dig into Vedanta, Sufism, Chanakya Neeti, Patanjali’s Yoga, as well as, Kabir, Aurobindo, and Quantum Spirituality, they learn that they are not just theoretical. They can be applied to our daily lives and unleash our boundless creative potential.

With the help of this program, our business education goes to the next level – where students learn beyond how to be successful. They learn how to live a fulfilling life! They get insights and tools to help them lead a more enriched and purposeful life.

Programs Offered by Centre for Spiritualism and Human Enrichment, SMS Varanasi

3. CSR through Sustainable Development: An initiative tailored for future managers and business leaders, this program focuses on promoting ethical, empathetic, and sustainable business practices. It teaches management students how business affects individuals and the community as a whole through its activities.

It advocates for responsible business practices as well as sustainable and inclusive growth.

The four pillars of the program are:

  • Ethics
  • Empathy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Excellence

to positively impact:

  • Profit,
  • People, and
  • Planet.

In essence, this program is geared towards holistic business education – balancing profitability with social responsibility and environmental stewardship.

Not only this, SMS Varanasi’s Centre for Spirituality and Human Enrichment also offers programs on:

1. Proactive Parenting Power: A unique offering that provides insights into the art and science of parenting, backed by child psychology and teachings from the Ramcharit Manas.

2. The Inner Dialogue: Women Empowerment Program: Designed for working women, it addresses the challenges they face balancing professional and personal roles and provides pathways to leadership.

In Conclusion

While IIM Lucknow is just venturing into integrating Indian philosophy into its curriculum, SMS Varanasi has been championing this blend for over two decades. Our comprehensive management education programs are rooted deeply in Indian spiritual and philosophical traditions – offering our students and participants a unique advantage. As the corporate world evolves, the need for leaders rooted in ethical and spiritual principles becomes paramount. In this domain, SMS Varanasi has proven its foresight and continues to lead the way.

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