Top Business Administration Strategies You Need To Master

10 Top Business Administration Strategies You Need To Master

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Today, the corporate world is evolving faster than ever. Hence, one needs to adapt to new challenges and opportunities continuously. It is essential to reinvent yourself by mastering the Top business administration strategies and modern business management techniques if you want to lead your organisation to success.

Here, we will explore the new management theories in 2024 and essential business strategies for leaders to deal with the changing nature of the corporate landscape – with real-world examples.

1. VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity

VUCA: One of the Essential Business Strategies for Leaders in Uncertain Markets

Originally a military strategy, VUCA is now widely applicable to business environments across the world – that are becoming increasingly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. As one of the essential business strategies for leaders, VUCA encourages companies to have flexible strategies and adaptive leadership styles to survive and thrive in unpredictable environments.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Airbnb used the VUCA technique excellently. During lockdowns and travel curbs, Airbnb focused on offering remote work environments and long-term stays to people stuck in different locations.

2. OKR: Objectives and Key Results

One of the latest business administration strategies, OKR was made popular by Google. This one is essentially a goal-setting framework where the company sets ambitious goals (termed as Objectives) and specifies measurable outcomes (called Key Results) to track its progress towards its goals.

OKR makes sure that all employees are aligned with the company’s priorities and aims to drive their:

  • focus, 
  • clarity, and 
  • accountability.

Google sets high-reaching goals, such as dominating the search engine market. Implementing the OKR strategy allowed it to innovate rapidly while maintaining a clear focus on results that were measurable and defined success.

3. BANI: Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, Incomprehensible

An evolution of VUCA, BANI has emerged as one of the new management theories in 2024 that seek to handle the fragile business environments of today that are constantly evolving – driven by rapid technological advancements.

At such times, the traditional linear planning methods have been rendered ineffective. The BANI model promotes management that is resilient, adaptable and employs innovative problem-solving techniques.

Tesla is a well-known example that constantly operates within a BANI environment. Advanced electric vehicles it produces and supply chain disruptions always present non-linear challenges and Tesla responds to them by swiftly adapting to market demands. It also invests in cutting-edge battery technology for that reason.

4. DARE: Data-Driven, Agile, Resilient, Engaging

DARE: Modern Business Management Technices based on Data, Agility Resilience, and Engagement

One of the modern business management techniques rapidly becoming mainstream, DARE encourages organisations to: 

  • become more data-driven, 
  • adopt agile processes, 
  • build resilience, and 
  • engage both employees and customers effectively.

This technique provides a competitive edge to the organisation as working on real-time data analysis allows it to offer personalised offerings and foster stronger relationships with its stakeholders.

Netflix is a great example of a DARE-driven company. It uses data analytics to predict customer preferences and adapt quickly to the latest content trends. This helps Netflix maintain a strong viewer engagement.

5. LEAN: Lean Management

One of the popular business strategies for corporate success, lean management focuses on reducing waste while maximising value. Built around the concept of continuous improvement (Kaizen), it seeks to enhance efficiency by streamlining processes and eliminating unnecessary steps.

LEAN management leads to:

  • increased productivity,
  •  reduced costs, and 
  • improved customer satisfaction 

by creating efficient, waste-free systems.

Toyota pioneered the Lean Management concept. It optimised production lines and minimised their waste. This approach contributed to it becoming a global leader in the automotive industry and earning a good reputation for its efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Blue Ocean Strategy is one of the latest business administration strategies that nudges businesses to look for uncontested market spaces, also known as ‘blue oceans’, instead of competing in ‘red oceans’ or crowded ones. Innovation and creating new demand lie at the core of the BOS strategy.

BOS directs companies away from fierce competition and encourages them to pursue innovation-driven growth – creating new market opportunities.

Cirque du Soleil, a leader in the circus industry, combined theatrical elements with acrobatics to create a unique experience. It moved beyond the traditional circus market with this innovation and attracted an affluent audience.

7. AGILE: Agile Project Management

AGILE: One of the Most Preferred New Management Theories in 2024

Agile project management focuses on: 

  • iterative development, 
  • customer feedback, and 
  • rapid adjustments. 

Though it was limited to the software development industry initially, it has become one of the most preferred new management theories in 2024 that are being implemented across the sectors now.

Agile businesses:

  • adapt swiftly to market changes, 
  • improve collaboration across teams, and 
  • deliver customer value faster.

Spotify famously uses Agile project management across its software development teams. To efficiently deliver new features and remain responsive to customer needs, it:

  • breaks projects into small, manageable iterations, and 
  • incorporates user feedback.

8. TBL: Triple Bottom Line

The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) focuses on three key performance areas: 

  • People, 
  • Planet, and 
  • Profit. 

It encourages businesses to consider their social and environmental impact alongside financial success.

TBL promotes corporate responsibility and sustainability. The companies that adopt such business strategies for corporate success earn brownie points for contributing positively to society while maintaining profitability.

Patagonia, a famous American clothing brand, is a leading advocate of TBL. The Patagonia model focuses on:

  • ethical sourcing and 
  • reducing environmental impact. 

The company also donates a percentage of profits to environmental causes – showcasing that sustainability and profitability can coexist.

9. ESG: Environmental, Social, and Governance

ESG metrics aim to assess a company’s sustainability and societal impact beyond profit. They evaluate how well a business manages its: 

  • environmental footprint, 
  • social responsibilities, and 
  • governance practices.

One of the modern business management techniques popular with responsible businesses, ESG encourages companies to: 

  • adopting long-term sustainable practices, 
  • improving investor confidence, and 
  • driving corporate accountability.

Unilever has been a leader in implementing ESG practices. It has shown a deep commitment to sustainable packaging and fair trade sourcing, which has enhanced its:

  • brand reputation, 
  • investor appeal, and 
  • profitability.

10. SMAC: Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud

SMAC: One of the Business Strategies for Corporate Success used by Coca-Cola

Before we wind up, one of the business strategies for corporate success we would like to discuss is SMAC. It refers to the integration of: 

  • social media, 
  • mobile technologies, 
  • data analytics, and 
  • cloud computing 

to enhance business operations and customer engagement.

Driving digitalisation of businesses across industries, SMAC helps companies:

  • optimise operations, 
  • improve customer experiences, and 
  • remain competitive in an increasingly digital world.

Coca-Cola successfully uses SMAC by strategically combining its social media campaigns, mobile apps, and data analytics to: 

  • engage customers, 
  • monitor brand sentiment, and 
  • optimise marketing strategies. 

This approach has kept Coca-Cola at the forefront of customer engagement in the beverage industry.

Conclusion: 10 Top Business Administration Strategies You Need To Master

In 2024, mastering modern management theories is crucial for business success and for BBA and MBA students to emerge as business leaders in an increasingly complex business landscape.

From adapting to VUCA and BANI environments to focusing on ESG and TBL, these frameworks ensure competitiveness. Data-driven strategies like DARE, OKR, and SMAC, along with Blue Ocean and Agile methods, foster creativity, flexibility, and growth.

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