Many students at SMS Varanasi complain that they have too many tasks and too little time. They also share with us that with so many distractions (events, workshops, activities, student clubs, social media networks, and OTT platforms), it is difficult for them to focus on the work at hand. We tell them that time management and learning how to remain focused will determine their success journey.
If you are also having a hard time staying focused with so many distractions present all around, then this article is indeed for you. Go through the article once to get a fruitful result.

“Arise, awake and clinch your goal!”
These motivating lines of Swami Vivekananda inspire today’s youth to achieve goals and strive hard toward excellence.
In ancient times, there was an environment which enabled the student to learn from his surroundings. But on the contrary, this era has become a plethora of distractions. Unless a student is determined towards achieving his goal, it becomes very difficult for him to remain focused in his life. The right direction in life has become mandatory for a student to remain on the path to success.
There are many things which often distracts student and other people from their goal. Technology has become one of the biggest distractions in this world for those who do not utilize it efficiently.
Electronic gadgets in the hands of small children have led to very serious problems. Children have started trivializing studies and socializing only with smartphones. It is robustly challenging to bring students back to the right path of excellence through parents’ guidance.
If you have become one of the victims of this distracting world then I recommend you to read this article and adhere given tips:
1. Make a List
Every morning, start with making a to-do list. This list will include the important tasks that you need to get done before going to bed at night. Start with the most important task and cross it off once you finish it.
This will help you stay focused on your work. If you feel exhausted while working, take a short break. You can read your favourite novel, watch a short video, etc.
Also, do not get involved in the same task for too long. Switch to next as soon as you finish off any task. When the time is less and you have too many tasks to do, a change of work can be refreshing.
2. Declutter the Items

Having too many objects on the desk can be a big reason for distraction. It may dismay you from achieving your target.
Keep yourself clearheaded and devote your time and mind both to the work. Once you start implementing this habit, it will be a cakewalk for you to manage time and you would realize that you indeed have plenty of time for everything.
Whenever you sit for studying, ensure that your study table is surrounded by the items you require. For example, if you are studying Geography, then only your Geography book should be at your table, not a laptop or mobile phone.
3. Make a Routine
Until you do not make your own timetable, you are going to waste a lot of time.
Make short-term goals and have a desire to achieve them. Include your daily activities in your routine and schedule a fixed amount of time for each activity. This will make you punctual and disciplined.
Assigning too much time to a less important activity would reduce your daily efficiency. Hence, it is crucial to prioritize your daily tasks and allow time accordingly.
4. One Task at One Time
Doing many tasks at the same time would reduce your efficiency as you will not be able to focus your energy on a single task. So, it is better to take one task and devote your full time to it. As soon as you complete that one switch to next.
This is how your work efficiency will increase. Your full devotion to a single task at a time will yield positive results. This is a good tip on how to remain focused throughout the day.
When you continuously accomplish your tasks as per schedule, you will get motivated and feel energetic.
5. Be Cool, Calm, Cheerful

If you are not able to follow your timetable to the full extent, then do not dismay yourself by doubting your capability. It is alright to miss out on some less important tasks of your daily routine.
We are humans and not robots after all.
If you fail to complete your to-do list on any given day, do not get demotivated or feel down. If you can’t seem to do a task for some reason, switch to the next one without wasting any more time. You can then go back to the pending task in your free time.
Keep yourself motivated every day. You can do it by reading motivational books, watching motivational videos, or meeting your favourite person. This will uplift your mood – and indirectly boost your performance.
6. Analyze Your Performance
Each night before you go to bed, do not forget to analyze your performance of the day. Tasks that you were able to complete and also those that are still pending.
Make a strategy to complete all the tasks for the next day. This will also improve your retaining power as you will become used to recalling things. The next morning, start with making a to-do list and follow the same routine as discussed above.
7. Pen Down the Things
When you get a plethora of thoughts and you are not able to focus on a single task, writing them down is the best way to get rid of them and remain single-minded. This will keep you away from negative emotions and thoughts.
8. Take Short Breaks
After every hour or two, take a short break of 5-7 minutes to relax your mind and body. This can help you regain energy and increase your mental focus.
These breaks will give your brain the time to recuperate from the overload of information that it is processing during the day. This will help you return to the task with more enthusiasm and focus.
9. Exercise and Meditate
Exercising and meditating can help boost your energy levels and focus significantly. You can practice yoga, go for a jog or even take a walk in nature. All of these activities will allow you to recharge mentally and physically.

Meditation is also very helpful in calming your mind and boosting focus. It helps you to be more aware of yourself and the environment around you.
10. Wean Yourself from Technology
Limit your usage of technology as it can be very distracting. Technology can easily take away our focus as we spend more time scrolling through social media and other websites instead of working.
Try to keep yourself away from these distractions and use the allotted time efficiently. You can also turn off notifications to help reduce any unwanted interruptions. Additionally, avoid using your phone when you are working.
Following these tips will help you with distraction management and increasing your working efficiency. Hope you liked them.
If you know of some other ways how to remain focused with so many distractions around you, do share your ideas in the comment section.