How to Find Your Voice as a Mass Comm Student?

How to Find Your Voice as a Mass Comm Student?

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As a Mass Comm student at SMS Varanasi, you need to find your voice – your unique communication style that will eventually help you with your personal branding and your understanding of media ethics. Here are some top examples to give you an idea of what a voice means for a communicator:

  • Rajat Sharma, the anchor of “Aap Ki Adalat,” has a more direct and probing communication style instead. His voice exudes authority and confidence as he engages in incisive questioning with the guests he invites. He is formal yet engaging, and his focus is on eliciting straightforward answers from his guests.
  • Sudhanshu Trivedi, a spokesperson for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), is persuasive and very articulate. His voice is assertive and he often employs rhetorical skills to make his points. He is eloquent, has a strong command of language, and aims to influence public opinion through logical arguments and emotional appeal.
  • Ravish Kumar, a prominent journalist, is known for his calm and introspective communication style. His voice shows empathy and concern for the issues he picks up, which are usually related to the common man. He uses a simple, relatable language.
  • Mallikarjuna Kharge, a veteran politician, has a commanding and authoritative communication style. His voice reflects his vast experience and leadership in Indian politics. He is direct, often impassioned, and focuses on addressing political issues and advocating for social justice.
  • Sadhguru, a renowned spiritual leader and founder of the Isha Foundation, is seen as calm, wise, and engaging. He uses clarity, simplicity, and humour to make complex concepts accessible. His storytelling, authenticity, and animated gestures and expressions create a relatable and intimate connection with audiences.

We can go on and on about how different people in journalism, politics, and prominent positions in any field have distinct voices and communication styles that are considered their signature styles.

Understand the Importance of Finding Your Voice

Why do you need to find your voice as a Mass Comm student?

Finding your voice is about developing a unique way of expressing yourself that sets you apart from others. For a Mass Comm student, this is vital because it influences how you convey messages, connect with audiences, and establish your identity in the media industry.

Your voice reflects your personality, beliefs, and values, making it an essential component of your communication style.

Here’s a short quiz to find your voice as a mass communication student:

1. Which medium do you enjoy the most?

A) Writing

B) Public Speaking

C) Visual Storytelling (Photography/Video)

D) Digital Media (Social Media/Blogs)

2. How do you prefer to convey your message?

A) Through detailed analysis and facts

B) With persuasive arguments and rhetoric

C) Using creative visuals and imagery

D) Via interactive and engaging online content

3. What type of stories are you drawn to?

A) Investigative and in-depth reports

B) Inspirational and motivational speeches

C) Emotional and human-interest stories

D) Trendy and current social media topics

4. How do you handle feedback on your work?

A) Reflect on it and improve my writing

B) Use it to strengthen my arguments

C) Incorporate it to enhance my visuals

D) Adapt my content strategy based on feedback

5. What motivates you the most?

A) Uncovering the truth and informing the public

B) Inspiring and persuading others

C) Creating visually appealing and impactful content

D) Engaging and growing an online audience


  • Mostly A’s: Your voice might be best suited for Journalism. Focus on investigative reporting and detailed writing.
  • Mostly B’s: You have a strong voice for Public Speaking and Debate. Persuasive communication is your strength.
  • Mostly C’s: Your voice shines in Visual Storytelling. Explore photography, video production, and emotional narratives.
  • Mostly D’s: You excel in Digital Media and Social Media. Your interactive and engaging style is perfect for online platforms.

Explore Different Communication Styles

Different Communication Styles

As a Mass Comm student, you will encounter various communication styles. Experimenting with these styles is an excellent way to find your voice.

Here are some of the communication styles you might want to try:

1. Journalistic Style: Fact-based, concise, and objective, this communication style is best suited for news reporting, investigative journalism, and feature writing. Here, the focus is on accuracy, clarity, and neutrality.

2. Broadcasting Style: Conversational, engaging, and dynamic, this style suits television, radio, and podcasting. The focus here is on captivating the audience with a strong, clear voice and visuals.

3. Public Relations Style: Persuasive, strategic, and positive, PR communication style is often used for press releases, corporate communications, and crisis management. It aims to shape public perception and maintain a positive image.

4. Advertising Style: Creative, catchy, and impactful, this style is often used for commercials, print ads, and digital marketing campaigns. It means to grab attention and convince the audience to take action.

5. Academic Style: Formal, analytical, and structured, we see this voice often used in research papers, academic articles, and educational content. It includes the use of in-depth analysis and supporting arguments with evidence.

6. Social Media Style: Informal, interactive, and timely, we see this used often in social media posts, blogs, and vlogs as new-age digital content creators engage with their audience, build their communities, and drive real-time conversations.

7. Documentary Style: Narrative-driven, immersive, and reflective, documentaries, video essays, and photojournalism tell compelling stories through a combination of visuals and narrative.

8. Corporate Communication Style: Professional, clear, and directive, it is often used for internal communications, corporate announcements, as well as, stakeholder reports. It aims to ensure clarity and cohesion within an organisation.

9. Creative Writing Style: Imaginative, descriptive, and expressive, this style is often exercised in screenwriting, novel writing, and creative blogs. The goal of this communication style is to entertain and engage the audience with creative storytelling.

10. Advocacy Style: Passionate, persuasive, and empowering, advocacy plays a useful role while campaigning for social causes, writing opinion pieces, and during public speeches. You use it to raise awareness and inspire action on social and political issues.

Understanding and mastering these communication styles can help Mass Communication students effectively convey their messages across different media and audiences.

How to Develop Your Unique Communication Style?

How to develop your unique communication style?
  • Know Yourself: Reflect on your personality, values, and interests, and identify what makes you unique and how you want to express it.
  • Explore Different Mediums: Experiment with writing, speaking, visual storytelling, and digital media. Find which medium resonates with you the most.
  • Study Influential Communicators: Observe and learn from communicators you admire. Analyse their techniques and adapt elements that align with your voice.
  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice helps refine your style. Write, speak, or create content daily to improve your skills.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask for constructive criticism from peers, mentors, and audiences, and use feedback to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Be Authentic: Stay true to your voice and beliefs. Authenticity builds trust and connection with your audience.
  • Hone Your Skills: Take courses, attend workshops, and read extensively to improve your craft. Focus on areas like grammar, storytelling, visual design, or digital tools.
  • Adapt to Your Audience: Understand your audience’s preferences and expectations. Tailor your communication style to effectively reach and engage them.
  • Embrace Your Unique Perspective: Leverage your background, experiences, and insights. Your unique perspective can set you apart and make your communication more compelling.
  • Balance Consistency and Flexibility: Maintain a consistent voice to build recognition. Be flexible enough to adapt your style to different contexts and platforms.
  • Use Technology and Tools: Leverage digital tools and platforms to enhance your communication. Experiment with multimedia, social media, and other technologies.
  • Reflect and Revise: Regularly review your work and progress. Be open to revising your style as you grow and evolve as a communicator.

Developing your unique communication style is an ongoing process. By understanding yourself, practising consistently, and remaining open to learning, you can craft a style that is distinct, effective, and resonant with your audience.

How to do personal branding once you find your voice?

How to do personal branding once you find your voice?
  • Define Niche: Focus on a specific area.
  • Create Profile: Build professional online profiles.
  • Develop Content: Produce high-quality, unique content regularly.
  • Engage Audience: Interact through comments and social media.
  • Network: Connect with industry professionals.
  • Showcase Portfolio: Update with diverse projects.
  • Maintain Consistency: Keep voice consistent across platforms.
  • Monitor Trends: Stay updated with industry trends.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask peers and mentors regularly.
  • Leverage Analytics: Track performance and adjust strategy.


Finding your voice as a Mass Comm student is essential for establishing a unique communication style and effective personal branding. By exploring various styles, practising consistently, and staying true to your values, you can create a distinctive voice that resonates with audiences and sets you apart in the competitive media landscape.

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