How Social Media Impacted the Results of the 2024 Lok Shaba Elections?

How Social Media Impacted the Results of the 2024 Lok Shaba Elections?

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The 2024 Lok Sabha election results were a surprise for everyone. BJP which had hoped to get 370 seats on its own and had been claiming to go ‘400 paar’ with its NDA coalition parties saw a major setback but still managed to cinch a third term as a ruling coalition. 

INDIA coalition, led by Congress, proved a formidable foe this time – and got as many as 232 seats! No one can downplay the role of social media and aggressive political campaigning online in swaying public opinion and influencing electoral outcomes in these elections.

This blog post explores how social media impacted recent elections, focusing on the strategies of major political parties and their IT cells.

The Rise of Social Media in Political Campaigning Online

Social media has become an essential tool for political campaigning online. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and YouTube allow political parties to reach lakhs and crores of voters, disseminate their messages, and engage directly with the electorate.

In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, this digital revolution was more pronounced than ever. Political parties utilised social media to craft their narratives and mobilise support.

Influencing Public Opinion Through Social Media

Influencing Public Opinion through Social Media

The impact of social media on public opinion during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections cannot be overstated. Political leaders like Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Banerjee, and Arvind Kejriwal actively engaged with voters through their social media accounts.

These platforms allowed them to share their vision, achievements, and criticisms of their opponents. For instance, Narendra Modi’s frequent updates on development projects and Rahul Gandhi’s posts addressing unemployment and inflation played crucial roles in shaping voter perceptions.

Strategies of IT Cells of Political Parties

The IT cells of political parties were instrumental in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The BJP’s 

IT cell, known for its innovative and aggressive digital strategies, spearheaded the party’s online campaign. They utilised influencers, created viral content, and launched targeted ad campaigns to reach specific voter demographics.

The Indian National Congress (INC) and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) also had robust IT cells that focused on countering misinformation and promoting their agendas. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) leveraged social media to amplify its regional strengths and criticise its opponents effectively.

Political Campaigning Online: A Comparative Analysis

Political campaigning online during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections varied significantly among the major parties. The BJP’s approach was multifaceted, involving collaborations with influencers across different domains, from comedians to musicians. This strategy helped them reach a wider audience and ensured high visibility even in remote areas.

The INC, led by Rahul Gandhi, focused on grassroots engagement and addressing issues like inflation and corruption. The AAP’s digital campaigns centred around transparency, governance, and community participation, while the TMC highlighted regional issues and local governance success stories.

The Role of Social Media in the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Social media’s role in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections extended beyond mere communication. It became a battleground for narrative control and voter mobilisation. Political parties used social media to launch digital rallies, share live updates, and engage with voters through interactive content.

This shift towards digital campaigning was necessitated by the increasing internet penetration and the growing number of social media users in India.

Challenges and Controversies

While social media offered numerous advantages, it also posed significant challenges. The spread of misinformation and fake news was rampant, affecting public opinion and potentially skewing the election results.

Independent fact-checking platforms and the Election Commission of India’s Social Media Cell played crucial roles in mitigating these issues. However, the sheer volume of false information circulated online highlighted the need for more robust regulatory mechanisms.

Case Studies: Notable Social Media Campaigns

Modi ka Parivar Campaign

1. BJP’s #ModiKaParivar Campaign

  • Background: In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP launched the #Modikaparivaar campaign to counter criticisms of Prime Minister Modi’s family status.
  • Methodology: Utilising social media platforms like X, Facebook, and Instagram, the campaign portrayed Modi as a leader who considers the entire nation his family. Influencers and party members amplified this message using engaging posts, videos, and hashtags.
  • Results: The campaign garnered millions of interactions and significantly boosted Modi’s social media presence.
  • Impact: It strengthened Modi’s image as a dedicated leader and contributed to BJP’s digital campaign success.
  • Analysis: The campaign’s emotional appeal and strategic use of digital platforms effectively enhanced voter engagement and support.

2. Congress’s #BharatJodoNyayYatra

  • Background: The Congress launched the #BharatJodoNyayYatra to reshape Rahul Gandhi’s image, focusing on grassroots engagement.
  • Methodology: The campaign featured Rahul Gandhi walking with diverse communities, sharing personal stories, and addressing key issues through social media posts and live streams.
  • Results: The campaign significantly increased Rahul Gandhi’s follower count and social media interactions, portraying him as a relatable leader.
  • Impact: This boosted Congress’s popularity and voter support in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
  • Analysis: The campaign effectively utilised emotional storytelling and direct engagement, enhancing public perception and voter mobilisation.

3. BJP’s #ViksitBharat Campaign

  • Background: The BJP launched the #ViksitBharat campaign during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections to promote their vision of a developed India by 2047.
  • Methodology: The campaign utilised social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter). It featured posts, videos, and infographics highlighting development projects, economic policies, and future plans.
  • Results: The campaign achieved high engagement rates, especially among younger voters, with millions of interactions and shares.
  • Impact: The #ViksitBharat campaign significantly boosted BJP’s digital presence, reinforcing its developmental agenda and contributing to its electoral success.
  • Analysis: The campaign’s clear messaging and strategic use of social media effectively mobilised public support and shaped voter perceptions, showcasing BJP’s digital strategy strength.

Overall Impact: The BJP lost ground in the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections due to growing public discontent over economic issues and allegations of corruption as amplified on social media by the INDIA coalition. Social media campaigns effectively highlighted these issues, swaying public opinion. 

Despite this, the BJP and its NDA coalition managed to secure a third term by leveraging their robust social media presence to project a message of stability and progress. They utilised targeted digital strategies to engage voters, countering negative narratives and ensuring high visibility of their achievements, ultimately retaining enough support to remain in power.



The 2024 Lok Sabha elections underscored the transformative power of social media in political campaigning online. By shaping public opinion and mobilising support, social media platforms played a pivotal role in the electoral process.

The strategies employed by the IT cells of political parties were crucial in navigating this digital landscape. As social media continues to evolve, its impact on future elections will likely grow, making it an indispensable tool for political communication in India.

For Mass Communication students at SMS Varanasi, understanding the interplay between social media, public opinion, and political campaigns offers valuable insights into contemporary electoral dynamics. The 2024 Lok Sabha elections provide a rich case study of how digital platforms can be leveraged for political success, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges of this digital age.

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